The Adventures of the Radioactive Pharmacist (volume 1)
Okay; the title strays fairly widely into clickbait territory. The truth is that most forms of radiation therapy - and specifically the form that I am getting - do not mean radio active therapy . Sorry Morgan - no radioactive pee. Not now, not ever. While there are some cancers that are treated with internal radiation (otherwise known as brachytherapy) , I am undergoing external beam radiation therapy . A large machine called a linac (for lin ear ac celerator) directs a beam of particles - protons in my case - into my pelvis to kill off any remaining cancer cells that might have been too small to see or appear on CT scan. Radioactivity would persist, only decreasing as it decays over time (often years or decades); the sort of radiation that I am getting stops the moment they turn off the machine. It's more like turning off a light switch; if I were being exposed to radioactivity it would still be bouncing around the room once my therapy was over. So....