I returned to work yesterday, albeit only for a couple of hours. It was really nice to be back amongst my colleagues and coworkers, but more than that it was nice to start living a normal life again. A life without cancer. I was off work for almost a year. Three hundred and thirty-four days to be exact. That is a LOT longer than I originally thought I would be off for treatment; the original plan was surgery only and back to work in three months. Six months at the outside. And looking back, I likely would have been just fine to return to work about four months after my surgery (three months was a little overly optimistic), but then that pesky but ironically good-news positive lymph node cropped up on pathology and that plan was shelved in favour of plan B. I was to receive 5 weeks of radiation and oral chemo, followed by the balance of six months of oral chemo alone. I would probably not have been able to work during my radiation, but aside from a bit of fatigue and some mi...
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