Change of route detected. Recalculating...
So remember a few posts ago when I went into detail about the treatment regimen I was on ? Remember the letters GIRCRT? No? "Recalculating..." When I was a teenager I spent hundreds of hours learning how to use a compass and maps or charts to navigate through the woods. Eventually, I learned how to apply the same skills - and even added a few others related to radio navigation - to learn how to navigate as I flew over the woods. All of that skill is interesting, but it's almost as obsolete as Morse code now. The Global Positioning System - GPS - has supplanted many of these skills, delivering extremely accurate positioning on a variety of maps directly on our cell phones or smart watches. And with the ubiquity of GPS has come another technological wonder that has quietly been inserted into our lives; artificial voices that provide us with instructions. We've all likely encountered this phenomenon when we make a wrong turn and our GPS patiently tells us tha...