The Ironic Lily Pad.
I've written about lily pads before, and frankly I think it was some of my better writing. I'd humbly suggest you go back and re-read it at this point, but if you are busy and just need a refresher the gist of that very early post is that coping with the diagnosis and treatment and recovery associated with cancer is too big to be done at once. I need to take it one step at a time, like a frog crossing a pond using a series of lily pads (which they totally don't do but let's not get hung up on the literal here). With me so far? Good. So the lily pad that I have been on recently was kind of scary. In my last blog post I wrote about being neutropenic and how my chemotherapy was delayed because of the risk of wiping out my bone marrow so badly that it wouldn't recover. I also wrote about the irony involved in my realization that the only thing worse than getting poisoned every two weeks with the resultant negative effects including neutropenia was not getting po...